Thursday, 30 October 2014

Penulisan Bahasa Iklan (Ponds Conquers Loves All)

                                         Ponds Conquers Love All (Full 4 Episodes)  

      The story begin when Tom and Rose together in Love, whe they were still at High School.

Then, unexpected terrible thing happen. Suddenly Tom’s Mother comes after him, and she broke and destroy Rose family house, and Tom’s Mother forced him, to go with her.

6 years later, finally Tom came back to where were him and Rose met for the first time. But, he came not alone, Tom came with his Mother, and Rose absolutely surprised with them both. Because, Tom’s Mother still wanted to remove house and school and whole peoples around Rose from their land.

Rose only have times about 7 Days for leave the land. And she finally found a way to change Tom mind, she using Ponds Flawless White to reduce dark spots on her face. She thought that if she can attract Tom, and his Mother, so they won’t build something that caused damage in that land.

And she did it, Rose succeed to attract Tom, but not with Tom’s Mother. On the end of time, Tom’s Mother forced Whole peoples around those Land, of course with Rose and her family too, to leave the Land, because Tom’s Mother wanted to build a Golf Field.

She Burned whole houses and school, left nothing but only dust. Rose really disappointed with Tom.finally in the end, Tom’s Mother did something that make Rose will give her life only for this thing. Tom’s Mother ordered her assistant to Destroy a big Tree in those land. A tree that has long story for Rose and Tom lifetime.

Rose go after a bulldozer, and Tom also go after Rose, and those bulldozer is really close to the Tree,Rose and Tom. The Bulldozer suddenly stopped, Tom’s Mother thought that them both were died, but Rose and Tom survived.

In the end, Tom’s Mother realized that she was wrong for everything she have done. And finally she made a choise, to cancel her project. Tom’s allowed to make his own way, a way to keep loving Rose. And they get Married, Tom and Rose life happy, forever.    

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Dot Matrix Printer

Menggunakan 24 buah Jarum yg tersusun secara Vertikal

Daisy Wheel Printer

Menggunakan Piringan Huruf.. yg Suatu Saat dapat Diganti pada setiap pemakaiannya

Chain Printer

   Menggunakan Rantai dan Gerigi yg saling terhubung dan Berputar dalam pemakaiannya

Band Printer
Menggunakan Alat seperti Stempel pada saat bekerja,,

 Drum Printer
Menggunakan Besi Drum berputar serta Stempel,, begitu Drum Huruf Berputar,, stempel pun ikut pula bekerja, sehingga menimbulkan cetakan huruf..

Serial Printer

Menggunakan Tinta Pita pada saat bekerja .

Line Printer
Bekerja dengan Mengeprint atau mencetak seluruh Halaman yg tersedia ..

Intelligent Printer Controller

Video Display

Alphanumeric Display
Menampilkan Informasi Mengenai angka atau tulisan

Graphic Display
Menampilkan Grafik tehnik Seni

Monochrome Display

Menampilkan Grafik Tulisan berwarna Hijau

Colour Display

Menampilkan Grafik dengan Warna Penuh dan Resolusi terbaik dan tajam ..

Computer Display Proyektor

Menampilakan Objek Visual dari LCD Laptop PC dengan memancarkannya ..

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Bekerja dengan menggunakan Modulasi Cahaya tajam,,


Biasa digunakan pada Sarana Publik..

Blue Ray

Teknologi Sinar Biru yg terdapat Pada Disk..